Friday, October 9, 2009

What does Google think about Twitter? :)

Hi !
I just came across this thing..Have a look at this ...

See this for more:

Try searching for your own & get a funny list...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wikia Death proves Google Is Search !


Jimmy Wales' open source Google killer died a quiet death.. Wikia had managed to force Google to adopt a Wikia-like feature that solicits user opinions on whether search results are relevant.

But, the reality is that no one can kill Google, and its search box is going to rule for many more years.

Amazon's attempt to build a successful search engine called A9 failed, and its former head Udi Manber is now a vice president at Google. Yahoo, Microsoft and all continue to struggle to maintain what's left of the search pie after Google grabs its 60-something percent.

Simply put, Google knows history. Google came marching from Stanford armed with the PageRank algorithm to conquer the search engines of the late 1990s. And after it won, it made sure to become powerful enough that no young upstarts would do to it what it did to Yahoo, AltaVista, HotBot and Ask Jeeves.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Accessing another computer drive over Internet !

Hi !

You can connect two computers over the Internet and use a given computer's drives just like you'd use local drives -- run programs, copy, get a list of files, etc. Here's how:
  • Make sure that both computers (computer A and B) have "TCP/IP" and "NetBEUI" protocols installed and properly functioning.
  • Make sure that the "Remote Access Serives" are setup and properly functioning.
  • Find out the IP address of computer A.
    You can do this by going to the network icon in the "Control Panel"

    For example, let's assume that "aaa.bbb.ccc.dd" is the IP address of computer A.
  • Enable file sharing and share a path of your choice on computer A.

    For example, share "C:\" as "INTERNET_DRIVE"
  • Log both computers on to the Internet (dial and connect to your internet service provider for example). If you're on an Intranet, you don't have to connect to the Internet.
  • Go to computer B's "DOS/Command Prompt" and type:

    NET USE X: \\aaa.bbb.ccc.dd\INTERNET_DRIVE

    If you get an user name/password or logon error, use the following command instead (after replacing uname with the actual user name and pword with the matching password):

    NET USE X: \\aaa.bbb.ccc.dd\INTERNET_DRIVE /USER:uname pword

    This will map computer B's drive X to computer A's shared path INTERNET_DRIVE, which is computer A's C: drive.

Now you can use drive X over the Internet just like any other drive on your local computer.